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Would You Like to Get Involved?

We'd like to throw open this year's AEID Christmas Eve event on December 24th for our whole church to contribute and participate in the evening. Do you have a song to share, a poem to read, a story to tell? Do you have art or photos to show or some other way you would like to be involved in this year's gathering? We are asking you to take this next month to discern what you might share that evening and then let us know by November 14th (email: or Contributions can come from individuals, families, small groups, fellowship, or a group of church friends. Here is a snapshot of the theme we will be centering our evening around...

"God Moved Into the Neighbourhood"  
Christmas is a time when we remember that the all powerful transcendent creator God demonstrated His love for us by becoming one of us. Jesus moved into our neighbourhood so that we might experience God's love and hear His good news in an even more intimate and personal way. Let's take this Advent season to consider again the wonder and power of the incarnation.